Yes– sorry it took so long. A combination of me being very busy, me not being so very expert at website trouble-shooting, and the problem being buried pretty deeply in the files. In the end, it took several e-mail exchanges with the ComicPress designer over the course of many months to track it down. But– all’s well as ends well. With that one faulty link going from Avalon to Rites cleaned up, everything should link smoothly now (he says, knocking digital wood…)
Realizing I could use the webcomic format to return to Trekker on my own terms was indeed the crucial step in getting me back to the series. It’s gone very well. Still, the ultimate intention is to get all the stories into print, both because that’s how I can make money from the work I put into it, and also because that’s the format that I write and draw all the stories for. Fortunately, I’ve been able to reconnect with Dark Horse and we are partnering up to do just that. So we have three volumes in print so far, with more on the way. Butm whether you enjoy the tales mote on line or on the page, I’m just glad you’ve rediscovered it all– Ron
Truth is they threatened the woman she loves and she wants to make sure they never repeat their error. Plus she’s showing off for her lover to let her know she is safe and will be protected.
Ah, the Comic Rocket index is finally fixed.
Better late then never, thanks! 😀
Yes– sorry it took so long. A combination of me being very busy, me not being so very expert at website trouble-shooting, and the problem being buried pretty deeply in the files. In the end, it took several e-mail exchanges with the ComicPress designer over the course of many months to track it down. But– all’s well as ends well. With that one faulty link going from Avalon to Rites cleaned up, everything should link smoothly now (he says, knocking digital wood…)
I am happy, too! Thanks for doing it.
Wow. I still have the first paperback of Trekker from way back in the day.
Had no idea you took it into web format. Makes sense I suppose. The web saved Girl Genius, among others.
Keep up the good work.
Realizing I could use the webcomic format to return to Trekker on my own terms was indeed the crucial step in getting me back to the series. It’s gone very well. Still, the ultimate intention is to get all the stories into print, both because that’s how I can make money from the work I put into it, and also because that’s the format that I write and draw all the stories for. Fortunately, I’ve been able to reconnect with Dark Horse and we are partnering up to do just that. So we have three volumes in print so far, with more on the way. Butm whether you enjoy the tales mote on line or on the page, I’m just glad you’ve rediscovered it all– Ron
I don’t want to be “that guy,” but… you misspelled “flair.” 🙂
Go right ahead and be “that guy”. Please. A good proofreading is never unwelcome here. And I just corrected the error. Thanks!
Truth is they threatened the woman she loves and she wants to make sure they never repeat their error. Plus she’s showing off for her lover to let her know she is safe and will be protected.
You will not find me arguing with that reading of the situation 🙂