I just had to post once more about the upcoming conventions, because just under the wire I have finished a new print that I’m very excited to share. Mercy hangs out with Molly and Scuf in this brand-new piece. I didn’t know if always-busy ace colorist Jeremy Colwell would be able to get this done in time for Rose City this weekend, but I should NEVER doubt Jeremy! He finished the colors, they look amazing and perfect, as always, and I have prints ready to go! I’ll be bringing them to shows from now on– I’m very pleased with the way this piece turned out. It’s a particularly important Trekker illustration for me. If you want to see the finished results– including those colors by Jeremy– and to read my thoughts on the why’s and how’s of making the piece, I have assembled lots of process shots and the final image in a Patreon Post for anyone at the $3-level of support and above.
As Trekker goes on, Patreon becomes a more and more important means of supporting this on-going series. It makes me less dependent upon taking on outside projects for income, thus freeing up more hours that I can pour directly into producing Trekker. Ultimately, it can also help to finance getting the new volumes into print on a much more timely and desirable schedule.
Mercy’s stories will become more and more interwoven from this point on, and getting to spend more of my time working exclusively on her adventures will be tremendously helpful in making all the details work and fit as well as possible. So, I hope you’ll check out that Patreon.com/trekker page and see if you can lend a little bit of that all-important on-going support. Scuf would approve.
That said, not everyone can or wants to “pledge”like that. And this is where the conventions come in. Besides being a great way to meet and greet each other, the shows are another way you can offer support directly to your favorite creators, by picking up a book or a print, getting a sketch, or simply by introducing a friend or two to something new and exciting that you’ve found in the hall that day. I get amazingly happy when that happens for Trekker! We creators LOVE to bring our work to the shows. We LOVE meeting you guys and talking with you. We LOVE having you help us spread the word about comics you feel passionately about. And we are absolutely inspired and motivated to keep making our labors of love by the enthusiasm and appreciation we see and hear from you. There are tons of wonderful, comic-centric, comics community-building conventions popping up all over the country. It’s a super-exciting time for comics both as a fan and as a creator. Shows like the two I have coming up over the next couple of weekends, in Portland and then in Baltimore are great examples of this.
I hope you’ll all find a chance to get to a great locally-produced show in your own area, wherever that might be. You’ll meet a lot of very happy people enjoying a great event and celebrating a pastime/artform/livelyhood that is richly rewarding. If that sounds like a great way to spend a weekend, I’d agree! See you at a show soon.