With the launching of today’s tale, “Mercy Killing”, color returns to the world of Trekker. This story originally appeared in the pages of the “Decade of Dark Horse #2” anthology collection that Dark Horse put out in 1996 to commemorate their first ten years of publishing. It was an honor to have Trekker included in that celebration. The story was originally colored by the talented Cary Porter. For its appearance here I have tweaked and adjusted a few things to make Cary’s approach mesh more smoothly with the work Jeremy Colwell is bringing to the all-new Trekker stories that are in the works right now!

The other change today is that one last time I will be adjusting the posting schedule for the pages. From now on, I will be shifting to one Monday posting per week. I’ve planned all along to reduce the posting frequency once I was close to launching the ALL NEW stories, and that’s one reason for this to happen now: we are only a few tales away from the debut of the brand new, full-length “Train to Avalon Bay” adventure that I’ve been working on since I launched the website a year ago. (Sneak peeks available at the “Spoiler Alert” page.)

As always, you can get more info on all the happenings regarding Trekker, including progress reports as I get closer to the other main goal I had when launching this website: returning Trekker to print (!) and also updates on the little digital Trekker/Johnny Zombie Halloween treat that Karl Kesel and I are cooking up for you called “City of the Dead” by going to the Facebook Trekkercomic Group page. I’m very excited about all of these development– a lot of fun stuff is just around the corner. Stay tuned.